Which is OK, of course, since you won't be reading this until tomorrow. At which time, it will be today, and this will be uproariously hilarious, and have you in stitches for hours. Or not...
I have been dreaming about houses again lately. I was told that those dreams are actually about myself. I am the house. If so, that is really disturbing. Because my house, (in a recurring dream), has tons of space, but it is crammed with furniture, and all the windows look into a main hallway. Said windows are uncovered, so anyone walking down that hallway can see what we are doing in our "hoarder" house. Just what the heck is that all about anyway??? (I need to be "shrinked".)
Wednesday night my dream entailed Gary and I buying all sorts of new, fashionable living room furniture, and combining it with bedroom furniture and linens done in warm autumn tones of olive, orange, and brown. Oh, gosh, so. not. us! Neither one of us would live in a room with those colors. Not that they are bad colors, but they are not colors either one of us would wear or feel comfortable living in. (Gary is a summer kind of guy, and I am a spring kind of gal.) So why those colors in my dream? I have no earthly idea, although they are earthy colors.
Hey, speaking of earthy, my hair stylist just told me that her brother fell into a sewer in Mexico while on his mission. Apparently, there are no manhole covers in the town he is in. She said he fell in chest-deep and someone pulled him out. She thought that it probably scared the sh** out of him. Whereupon I had to add that no one knew, because he was already covered in it. Bada bing, bada boom...
On the home front, Gary has been scanning old family photos--they're so old, he doesn't even know who some of the people are. Guess that was so much fun that he decided to join Ancestry.com and find out about his lineage. He is spending hours upon hours researching. I hope our daughter appreciates it when he hands all the deets over to her. He found one great grandfather who served in the Civil War as a Rebel soldier. Which is appropo, as Angela was actually born in Georgia. What goes around, comes around...
Once upon a time, my dad's sister did a genealogy search on the Burr family. And she got us all the way back to 1660 in this country. So I guess you could say I am a dyed-in-the-wool American. At least on my dad's side. Heaven only knows what gives on my mom's. Perhaps I shall ask Gary to research them, too. It'll keep him out of my hair for hours on end. Sound like a good idea? It does to me.
OK, for having nothing of consequence to say, I did a bang-up job of saying nothing. And that makes sense to me, which is a wee bit scary. Heavy sigh...
This week's card is for Gary's birthday, which isn't until March. But looking ahead to DT needs, I felt this was the best time to make it. So I printed out a LaLa Land image, Summer Luka, on X-Press It BC, and colored him with my Copics. I thought that this image was perfect, considering that we just put in the swimming pool, although we probably won't be in it until after Gary's birthday, doncha know.
Skin: E000, E00, E21, E11, E04, R20
Hair: YR14, YR18, E08, E18
Inner Tube: YG11, YG13, YG17, Y02, Y04, Y06
Swimsuit: B12, B14, B16, YR14, YR18
Fins/Arm Floats: Y02, Y04, Y06
I realize the little boy has red hair. Which, if Gary had hair, would not be his hair color. But it went with the paper I chose. I call that "artistic license". Anyway, I used some DP from the Best Creation Splash Fun collection and paired it with Stampin' Up CS. I added a border made with a Memory Box Oceana Border die. And finished this card with some Glossy Accents on the goggles. Which made it difficult to take a picture, as the light was bouncing off the gloss. Ugh. That's why you see this card at a really weird angle. (But consider the source.)
Our sponsor this month has been Art by Mi Ran, where you will find fabulous digital images. And our prize is a choice of 3 images for the randomly-selected participant. Lucky you, whoever you are. Or is it whomever? (I should ask my copy-editor child, she would know.) Be sure to get your entry in by coloring an image for your project. You can use any coloring medium you wish. To get you inspired, please check out the fab creations by my talented teammates: Carla, Kathi, and Laine!

Have any of you been playing Words with Friends? I have, and I have to admit I am addicted to it. I mostly play against the computer. But "they" say it is good for my old brain to challenge it with word games and puzzles. And who am I to dispute "them"?
I want to give a shout-out to my friend, Teresa, at Tickell Expressions. She sent me a gift in the mail, with wonderful paper, doilies, and ribbon, just because I comment on her blog. Now isn't that just the sweetest thing? And you should definitely check out her blog--she is a truly talented artist, and I love to see all the wonderful pieces she creates. Thank you so much, Teresa! So thoughtful of you, and greatly appreciated!
Here's hoping you all have a wonderful weekend!